Sponsorship and Funding Requests

VI Lottery's "Make A Difference Pillars:"
The Virgin Islands Lottery is a proud supporter of organizations that benefit sports, arts, youth and community enrichment, and fellow government agencies. In the past fiscal years the VI Lottery supported numerous programs which have a positive impact on our community and were in accord with our “Make A Difference Pillars.” Over the past 3 years we've donated nearly $1 Million to the community. We look forward to continuing to support our community in the upcoming fiscal year.
When you play the VI Lottery, everybody wins!
Cultural Programs & Government Agencies:
- Ten Sleepless Knights Inc.
- Calypso Incorporated
- Crucian Christmas Festival
- Cruzan Latin Caribbean Roast Pork Festival
- Opi’a Taino International
- St. John Festival & Cultural Organization
- Virgin Islands Puerto Rico Friendship Committee
- Virgin Islands Carnival Committee
- DOH - Maternal Child Heath Division
- Division of Personnel Department of Tourism
- Dept. of Sports, Parks and Recreation
- Election Systems of the Virgin Islands
- Office of Gun Violence Prevention
- Department of Education
- WTJX Public Broadcasting System
Educational & Vocational Programs:
- Access to Racial Health Institute
- All Saints Cathedral School
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
- Christiansted Mango Tree Riders I am Great with Non Stop Talents
- Mujer cin Identidad y Destino
- Our Community Salutes
- Project Promise
- St. Croix CHS Foreign Language Program
- St. Croix CHS National Honor Society
- St. Croix Montessori
- St. John School of the Arts St. Patrick Catholic School
- University Bound Program
- UVI: Afternoon on the Green
- UVI: School of Education
- Young Entrepreneurz Organizatior
- Distance Learning Center
- St. Croix Rocketry
- St. Croix Science Teacher Association
- Center for Educational Growth
- CMC Arts
- Personal Success Network
Athletic Programs:
- A & L Professional Billiards
- Alliance Youth Group
- Baseball Inspirations
- CDRA: Junior Dragsters
- Caribbean Rose
- Charming Twirlers
- Crucian Elite Softball Team
- Cultural Conquest Association
- Future Stars Baseball
- Guidance Sports Club
- Imala Academy Inc.
- In the Zone Athletic Club
- Jestorce Volleyball Club
- LOP Entertainment
- Livewire Sports, Inc.
- LRVI FC Inc.
- Massey's Soccer Academy
- Positive Guidance
- Rebels Baseball Club
- Rovers Soccer Club
- St. Croix Central High School Cheerleading
- St. Croix Central High School Basketball
- St. Croix Netball Assosication
- St. Croix Track Club
- St. Thomas Baseball Explorers
- St. Thomas Majorettes
- St. Thomas Yacht Club Foundation
- Team Cardinals
- Three on Three Basketball Organization
- Twin City Cricket Association
- USVI Boxing Federation
- USVI Chess Federation
- USVI Softball Federation
- VI Baseball Federation
- VI Basketball Federation
- VI Bowling Federation
- VI Bulldogs Basketball
- VI Starz Baseball All Star Team
- VI Track & Field Federation
- VI Volleyball Federation
- Zero Toleration Basketball
Artistic Programs (Music, Arts, Theatre, Film, Dance):
- Anatha.org
- Calypso, Inc.
- Children's Museum of St. Croix
- Christiansted Community Alliance
- Dominican Action Committee
- Eccentric Mocko Jumbies
- History, Culture, & Tradition
- Opi a Taino International Inc
- Piton Cultural Dancers
- St. Croix Landmark Society
- Ten Sleepless Knights
- Xelestial Rain Entertainment
- Cathedral Church of All Saints
- DJ Pops Promotion
- Onyx Opera
- St. John Singers
- St. Jan Co
- St. Thomas Sea Walls
- VI Center of the Arts & Technology
- VI Children's Museum
- A.Sive Production Company
- Act Out Ensemble
- Music in Motion
- Vl Council on the Arts
Health & Social Awareness Programs, Community Enrichment:
- American Legion Auxillary
- Cane Bay Films, LLC
- City of Refuge Worship Center
- Committee for Betterment of Carenage
- Community RESTORE
- Crucian Latin Roast Pork Festival
- DFG Community Impact
- Eddie Ortiz Annual Three Kings Tradition
- Emancipation Garden Christmas
- Father's in the Community
- Gentlemen of Jones
- Institute for Social Change
- One Luv
- Real Talk Promotions
- Sejah Farm of the VI
- St. Croix Christmas Boat Parade Inc.
- St. Croix Classes of the 80s
- St. Croix Farmers in Action
- St. Paul Episcopal Church
- VI Literary Festival
- VI National Guard Assosication
- VI Truck & Pride Photography
- VI - PR Friendship Chamber Orchestra
- We From Upstreet
- Williams Delight Togetherness
- American Cancer Society
- Association of the Virgin Islands Psychologists
- BAD Fitness LLO
- Family Resource Center
- Fitter Futures by Beeston Hill
- Healthy Encores
- Nana Baby Children's Home
- Nigel Hodge Foundation
- Richmond Senior Center
- The Collective Collaboration
- Yvonne Ashley Galiber Breast Cancer Foundation
Each year the VI Lottery makes significant financial contributions to organizations within our community. We appreciate your understanding and will always seek to serve you better.
Required Documentation:
- 501(c)3 Non-Profit Certification
- Current Certificate of Good Standing (certification must be dated within one (1) year from the date of sponsorship application submission)
- Cover Letter (addressed to Mr. Raymond Williams)
- Signed VI Lottery Community Enrichment Rules & Regulations Document (found on our website)
Applications submitted without these documents will not be considered for sponsorship until all required documents have been provided.
Who will be funded?
The VI Lottery does not fund:
- Completed or in progress projects.
- Awardees that have not submitted Final Reports.
- Awardees that have already received funding once in a fiscal year.
- Church organizations unless entity is performing an outreach service which benefits a significant number (250 or more) of community members.
- Raffles or auctions (i.e. donation of lottery tickets as a prize).